Some of the best information available on any topic can be found in blogs and elder care is no exception. Sometimes you can find what you’re looking for just by Googling, but we’re making it easier for you by listing the blogs we like to read.

Thinking big

Psychologist and long-term care consultant Eleanor Feldman Barbera wants to create a new and improved nursing facility. She writes about her ideas, her experiences as a consultant and about people and things she finds inspirational. She’ll challenge you to think about how you can make long-term care better for patients and for medical professionals.

The New Old Age

New York Times columnist Paula Span writes about the challenges of an aging population from many different angles. Her writing is not geared specifically to medical professionals, but she provides an excellent overview on the issues facing America as the populations gets older and medicine becomes more advanced.

Curated resources

The blog at Nursing Assistant Central is dedicated to collecting top medical resources which are useful to nursing assistants, and categorizing them according to topic. From facts about the brain to important information on Crohn’s Disease and support for hospice workers, there’s a plethora of resources in this blog.

Personal and informative

Marijke: nurse turned writer is a blog written from a first person point of view. The author focuses on writing about complicated health issues in clear and concise language so they’re easy to understand. You can learn a lot here but it’s also just a fun blog to read.

Geared just for you

Of course, we recommend you read our own blog. The Towne Nursing Staff blogis geared toward nursing assistants who want to be inspired, learn new techniques and feel appreciated. We’re constantly updating the blog with the latest information and tips, so there’s always something new to read.

What are you reading? Let us know in the comments section on our Facebook page. We’d love to spread the word about more great resources.